What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s a question we ask kids all the time. 

I wonder, when was the last time you asked yourself that question? 

I ask it myself frequently. Who do I want to be? Because “growing up” is a continual process. And who I used to be is nothing like who I am now. 

Who we have been does not determine who we CAN be. 

I used to be a rigid, and while I hate to admit it, a judgmental evangelical Christian. Of course not all Christians are like I was but I was the kind who told you that you were going to hell unless you “asked Jesus into your heart.” I believed, without question, that everyone who believed differently than what my church preached as “the Truth” was going to hell. 

I used to believe all sex outside of marriage was a sin. 

I used to believe as a woman, I had less value than a man. 

I used to believe it was my job to support, serve and care for everyone around me, without complaint and without even thinking about my own needs, because, after all, they were second, third or even farther down the list of priorities. Smile and serve. 

I used to believe that if I happened to think I was good at something, that was arrogant and being arrogant was shameful. So, if I did manage to feel good about something I did or a talent I had, I would immediately feel bad because I had felt good. 

I am happy to say, I do not believe ANY of those things anymore. 

It was a long hard road for me. Almost everything I have become was counter to what I was raised with. But somewhere along the way I understood, if I didn’t start prioritizing myself and choosing situations, work and relationships that valued me and honored me, I would die. 

That may sound dramatic but if you’ve given yourself to others, on an ongoing basis at your own expense, you know what I mean. It’s exhausting and you begin to lose yourself to the extent that you feel invisible - which is very much a death. A death of your inner being. 

Today I turn 61 years old and I’m still asking, who do I want to be when I grow up? Because for me, the trajectory of growth is never ending. Not in an exhausting way, in an exhilarating way! 

And I know the secret to me becoming an even higher expression in myself is about being willing to let go of old beliefs and thoughts that limit me.  That’s why I love coaching. With every client, in a way that is unique for them, I coach them into releasing their old beliefs and thoughts that limit and diminish them and claim the magnificent being that they truly are! 

I’d love to chat with you about working with me. Use this link: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=11249251&appointmentType=8395116 to book a call and we'll talk.