Limiting Beliefs

What do you believe that isn’t true?

We all have beliefs that aren’t true. 

“Being fearful about money keeps me from being frivolous and careless with money.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“Taking risks is unsafe.” 

“Love hurts.”

Each of these is untrue yet many of us believe them. Without question. 

We all hold beliefs deep in our subconscious that are not true. 

Those untrue beliefs limit us and cause us pain and suffering.

Then why do we hold onto them?  

First off, we might not know the belief is there. 

If it’s something passed onto us from our family, religion or culture most of us take on the belief because everyone around us believes it. We might not even believe it consciously, but because we grew up around it, we have a deep, subconscious belief that is in opposition to our conscious belief. 

Which is why it’s so valuable to have a coach who can work through the conscious and subconscious aspects of your beliefs. A coach who can help you release the untrue beliefs and claim the conscious beliefs that serves you. 

I have clients with untrue beliefs about romantic relationships. Those beliefs keep them trapped in emotionally abusive relationships or in relationships that keep them from expressing their authentic self. 

In coaching they learn how to release the untrue belief and begin to claim their right to healthy, authentic relationships.

I have clients who have untrue beliefs about money. Beliefs that money is hard to make, that it’s easy to lose, that people want to cheat you, the government wants to take it all, they aren’t worthy of money, good with money… There are a lot of untrue beliefs about money! 

In coaching they learn how to release those beliefs and claim what is true, abundance is all around us. You are worthy of the wealth you desire. You are worthy of the abundance you desire. Abundance is your natural state. 

What untrue beliefs do you have? 

Are you curious about how coaching can help you release those and replace them with beliefs that are true and support your authentic self-expression? 

That’s what I’m here for. It’s my calling and my mission. 

Let’s chat. Book your FREE, no obligation, 15 Minute Connection Call today and let’s find out if coaching is right for you and if I am the right coach. You’ll be glad you did. Book your call HERE.

I was lying to myself…

My entire life I have told myself I am not athletic. Along with all the things that go along with that. So, I don’t like to exercise, I don’t like to go hiking, I don’t want to try new things that are physical, I don’t participate in community recreational activities, etc. 

Why did I tell myself that? Why did I believe it? I don’t even know. I don’t remember a gym teacher shaming me or telling me I sucked at gymnastics or anything else I tried. I even won some regional track meet ribbons. I crushed my opponents in tetherball being the tallest 5th grader around. As a teenager I easily learned to ice skate and ski since we lived in the mountains of Colorado. I was a particularly good skier. 

Still… the thought in my own head, the “story” I had, that I wasn’t athletic, remained. Despite mounting evidence that it wasn’t true. 

That’s how the mind works. Once we’ve told ourselves (or heard from others) the same things over and over. Boom. It becomes a belief. We believe it’s true. Even if it’s not. 

About a month ago, it hit me. I might be athletic. I don’t think it’s true that I’m not athletic. 

All of a sudden, I wanted to try a spin class.  I wanted to join a gym to get the support, encouragement and accountability I WANTED. That's an important distinction. I wanted the support, encouragement and accountability because now I’m doing something new that I WANT to do! It’s not something I’m MAKING myself do because I’m SUPPOSED TO. Yuk! I hate those words… supposed to. 

It’s so much easier to take action that supports us when we are in alignment with what’s true instead of a lie we believe is true. 

What have you believed that may not be true? Tell me! I can’t wait to hear about it! You don’t even have to know for sure that it’s not true. Just consider it. What if… 

You’re Going To Like This!

Have you ever rebelled? 

Sure you have! 

I was such a serious people pleaser it took me until I was in my late 30’s to actually do it, but, when I did… I’m just sayin… I was a rebellion expert for about 10 years! 

Rebellion can be a gift. 

I’m serious! 

I needed to rebel to get out of all the thoughts and away from all the people who were keeping me very limited. 

I’ll tell you more about it in today’s podcast episode, “Rebellion Is A Gift.”

I hope after you listen to the episode you’ll be able to find the ways your rebellion has served you. 

I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments and tell me about it. Better yet, if you rebelled and you can’t see how it served you, share that with me and I’ll help you find the gift. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think about this episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!