infinite possibilities

On a Scale of Zero to Freaked Out! Where are you?

It’s easy to be freaked out!

From politics and global warning, to our careers and families, to our personal wants and dreams.

What do you do when you’re freaked out?

  • Do you shop too much?
  • Drink too much?
  • Over-eat?
  • Deprive yourself?
  • Lose sleep?
  • Get angry?
  • Compulsively busy yourself with distractions?
  • Slip into denial?
  • “Awfulize” (Imagine the worst possible outcome and feeling as if the terrible outcome has occurred, even though it hasn’t happened.)

What if there’s another way?

Can we approach our most difficult challenges with poise, power, purpose and even, pleasure?

I’m here to tell you, it’s possible.

I’m a big fan of poise, power and purpose. But today…let’s focus on pleasure.

Pleasure Power.

Is that even a thing? Pleasure Power?

I assure you it is.

Pleasure can change your life.

Not matter how awful it is. No matter how freaked out you are. Pleasure has power in it. The power to shift your mindset and even, open a door.

Let me tell you a story. Recently, I was totally freaked out! I had a very difficult situation ahead of me. It was real. This was not a challenge in my imagination, it was real and barreling down on me.

These are the times when I know I need to put my own coaching skills to the test. What’s the point of being a coach if I’m not practicing what I preach?

I stopped my dizzying mind and asked, “What would give me pleasure right now?” Let me say that even asking the question takes some preparation. You see, if you’re in your dizzying mind when you ask that question you may get an answer like, “Drink a shaker full of Cosmos!” or “Get on and buy some new shoes!” (I have clearly just revealed two of my weaknesses!)

First, stop the dizzying mind. Take some slow, intentional breaths. The breath is the fastest way to begin to change your mind and body chemistry. Slow down. Breathe. Then ask, “How can I give myself pleasure right now?”

It’s important that you think of something that can be done immediately. You’re breaking the freak-out pattern, so “book a massage for next week,” won’t help. We want an immediate interruption to move from freaking out to pleasure.

For me it was simple. A hot bath, lavender Epsom salts and ____________. (Put your “adult” thinking cap on to fill in the blank, I don’t want to go all TMI with you!)

When I got out of the tub, I felt different. Allowing my body to experience pleasure had given me the mind shift I needed to go from awfulizing and being freaked-out to the reality that there are infinite possibilities when I’m poised and open enough to become aware of them.

When we tap into our pleasure power, we tap into possibility. We ask smart questions. We ask for help if we need it. We aren’t freaked out.

How will you tap into your pleasure power today?

Live Lavishly Light Episode #16

It is very powerful to ask the right questions.

From what you'll eat today to how you'll handle a financial crisis, I am here to suggest a practical way to work with it. To pose really good questions for yourself in order to have a powerful impact on your decision-making.

Whatever the conundrum is, I want to challenge you to turn your question around into one that feels inspiring and full of possibility.

Let's explore the infinite possibilities in this week's Live Lavishly Light!

xoxo Brenda

Dream Killers!

I have had some serious dream killers in my life!

Maybe you can relate.

When I was young, I had dreams of a successful business, a great marriage, large loving family, a big house and a lot of traveling. By the time I was in my mid 40’s the only ones of those dreams I really had was the large loving family. I had traveled some, but not nearly as much as I wanted.

What did I do?

I started to give up.

I killed most of my dreams. Why?

I decided I wanted too much. I was getting older and I should be happy with the life I had! After all, I had a large loving family, a good job, I was reasonably happy being single, and an apartment I liked.


By deciding some of my dreams weren’t important and that I had missed my window, I was in my 40’s after all, I killed them. The good news is, they didn’t stay dead for long. I decided to take action and that’s what I want to help you do.

If you’ve ever killed a dream, I invite you to take my free Dream Killers Challenge. Take the quiz as a quick inventory of what your dream killers might look like. Then use the Dream Killers CPR Dreamsheet to breathe some life back into those dreams! Maybe you’ll be like me, and so many of my clients, who realize their dreams, as Billie Crystal said in The Princess Bride, are only “…mostly dead. And there’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.”

Join me in the Dream Killers Challenge!

Use this link to get your Dream Killers Quiz and Dreamsheet delivered to your inbox! 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #6

Are your best years behind you, or ahead of you? 

I celebrated my birthday last week. It was wonderful being surrounded by friends (most of my family is a little too far away).

A few years ago, a friend and I were talking and we realized that he tended to feel his best years were behind him, which made me realize, I always think my best years are ahead of me! 

It changes everything. When you believe the best is yet to come. That there's always more to explore, expand and open up to. 

I did lose my way a couple of years ago and I began to feel my best years were behind me. I'll share that story with you in today's video and challenge you to imagine your life as becoming better. More than it is now. 

Because that, my friend, is Living Lavishly! 


I like the idea of picking a word to reflect my intention for a new year. This year I picked a couple. I know, is it any surprise I didn’t follow the rules and just pick one word? Nope.

Here are my words:

Infinite Possibilities

Owning my Power

Infinite possibilities is harder than it sounds. In order to be open to infinite possibilities I have to suspend my normal way of thinking. That’s the only way to let something new in.

What? Suspend my normal way of thinking? That’s hard!

That’s a lot of what we’ll be doing in my new online program, Enough Already. We’ll suspend our normal thinking, which usually includes a lot of “not ____ enough” thoughts. You know, not smart enough, pretty enough, wealthy enough, blah, blah, blah.

I’ll be coaching and leading you through five modules of kick-ass tools and strategies that will liberate you from your normal thoughts. Are you willing to be liberated?

You can leap over to the registration page and sign up today for the bargain price of $397. I’m even offering a payment plan to make all this yummy goodness really affordable!

On top of that you can bring a friend to the program and get an additional $50 off and so can your friend! Use the code FRIEND and when your friend registers, they can use the discount code too so they get $50 off. I’m going to trust that you will only use the FRIEND discount code if you have a friend who is also registering.

Live Lavishly Light Episode #5

Do you believe in infinite possibilities? 

It sounds good, but is it true? And if it is true, how do we find them? 

I don't know about you, but I can have a hard time finding infinite possibilities, especially at a busy time of year like this. It's easy to think in polarities. This or that. Yes or no. 

Do you find yourself saying that you 'have' to do something?  You feel like there aren't options. Let alone the option to say no to something. 

In today's Live Lavishly Light Episode I show you how to find your way to infinite possibilities, including saying no to something. Join me and cultivate some infinite possibility awareness. 

To get the guided meditation I mention in the video, click here