Personal Growth

What’s your personal power level right now?

I love the word, sovereign. 

What does it mean? “Supreme power and authority to rule.” 

Be the sovereign in your own life. 

There’s no one but you who should be the authority in your life. Only You. 

You need to have supreme power in your life. 

It doesn’t make you selfish or self-centered. 

It doesn’t justify meanness or judgment towards others. 

It’s a statement about who you are in relationship to yourself. 

Supreme power and authority over your life belongs to you and only you. 

When we feel like we don’t have power, it’s because we’ve lost track of our sovereignty. We’ve allowed a person or a circumstance to have power over us. 

This time of year that’s really easy to do. 

And, we can come back to sovereignty as soon as we notice it! 

No person or circumstance has a “right” to your sovereignty or power. . 

As people pleasers we were never taught that. 

There was another person, or people, who wanted that level of power and authority in our lives. They conditioned us out of being the sovereign in our lives, so they could be the authority and have the power. 

It’s time to take our power back. 

You have an absolute right to be the supreme power and authority in your life. 

I’m curious? How does that feel? 

Don’t be surprised if you feel awkward about it, or it feels selfish, or arrogant. Remember, you’ve been conditioned to think that way. But, tell me, if not you, who? Who should have power over your life? 

You are a unique human being. There’s no one like you. No one knows you as well as you do. You are the authority on you. You deserve the power of sovereignty in your own life. 

Let’s make sure you have your power and keep it as you transition out of one year and into another. Complete this simple form and we’ll see if it makes sense to work together in the coming year. 

Because all your power is waiting for you to come find it. Living from your power is living in liberation! 

Powerful Holiday Boundaries

The holiday season can be the most wonderful time of the year, a bright time for celebration and reflection, for connecting with family and friends, and for loving one another. It can also be a time of stress and overwhelm if some family members didn’t get that “good tidings” memo, or if you just need some extra TLC. Either way, in addition to those beautifully wrapped presents, your holiday will be more joyful if you remember to bring this very important thing: And that is BOUNDARIES!

Setting boundaries among family members can be doubly challenging. Boundaries are the key to protecting your mental health and guarding your wellbeing. If you struggle with asserting boundaries or just need some prompts to get you started, then this Episode is for you!

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding today’s topic:

How to set boundaries with family over the holidays?

how to leverage gratitude for your benefit

Why don't affirmations often work?

Why is gratitude working better than affirmations?

And much more…Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

How this works

People ask me how The Solve It Method™ works. 

It’s one of my favorite questions! 

I’m so excited about the easy-to-follow process it provides! Now, there’s even a digital program so you can learn to use it in the comfort of your own home! Get more info about it HERE

It’s a simple concept really, as so many profound things are. You look at the problem, frustration, challenge, place you're stuck, etc. through four lenses. They are: 

  • Desire

  • Thoughts 

  • Feelings 

  • Action

The order you use them in isn’t important. The “problem” itself might give you a logical starting place, but you’ll look at it through all four. Which is why it’s so effective. 

As you go through each of the four you start to notice what’s really creating the problem, that way you know how to solve it. 

For example, let's say you want to get a new job. You’re bored with yours and you know you can do better. The “problem” is you’re procrastinating on updating your resume. What’s that about? You kick yourself, spiral into some self-criticism and promise yourself you’ll do it tomorrow. But… you don’t. 

I put “problem” in quotes because the longer I coach and the more I grow personally the more I know that the things that feel like problems are actually like our wise self raisting a red flag and saying, “Hey, Brenda, there’s something for you to look at!” So I’m beginning to love my problems. 

Back to the “problem.” When we have a problem about not taking action or the action we’re taking isn’t working I usually start with desire, then move to thoughts. Either we don’t really have a desire for it, it’s someone else's desire that they want us to get onboard with, but we’re not, or we’ve outgrown one of our desires and haven’t realized it. To keep it simple, let's say our hero does truly and sincerely want a new job. Something she can sink her teeth into, grow and feel accomplished in. Great. Desire is in alignment. 

Now let’s go to our hero's thoughts. In everyone I’ve coached, in every situation, including a bunch of my own, our if desire is in alignment, our thoughts are the culprit. This is where imposter syndrome comes from. It’s where our limiting beliefs come from. Look at your thoughts and you’ll find at least one if not a cluster of thoughts like, “I don’t deserve it.” “I’m not good enough.” “I’m probably not qualified for the kind of job I really want.” 

Once those thoughts are dismantled, the action gets easier. (I give you tools for dismantling thoughts in the digital program.)

Feelings. What role do they play? On the difficult side they belly up to those critical and shaming thoughts and you feel discouraged and hopeless. But the wonderful news is, you can also use your feelings as an ally. Instead of feeling discouraged and hopeless, what would help you get excited about updating your resume? The feelings of accomplishment, possibility, the expectation of something great. You can choose to focus on those empowering thoughts and that will get your butt at the computer to update that resume! 

Action then takes care of itself because your desires, thoughts and feelings are congruent or in alignment. Your action becomes congruent and in alignment. 

Problem solved!  

While it’s an easy and super effective process, naturally, on your own “problem” it can feel more complex and tricky. So, I created The Solve It Method™ Digital Program for you and right now, there’s a super special price on adding three private coaching sessions to it! It’s a bargain. 

Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or wonder if it will help with your specific “problem.” That’s what I’m here for! 

Are You a Natural Born Rebel? An Interview w-Dr. Melissa Bird

As a people pleaser do you relate to being a rebel? I know I didn’t! I was such a “good girl” all the time. Even as a teenager! But… maybe being a good girl is a form of rebellion…

Rebellion is natural for all of us. Yet how we express it can be very different. I was actually rebelling against the dysfunction in my family by being such a good girl and trying to keep everyone out of chaos. 

Where are you rebellious? Today, my very special guess is Dr. Melissa Bird. She’s a a natural born rebel and I learned so much during our conversation. 

My question is: Are you a Natural Born Rebel?

After listening to toIn today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep on this topic with my guest,Dr. Melissa Bird. Dr. Melissa Bird is a clairvoyant coach, author, and fiery public speaker, she has traveled around the world speaking to audiences at universities, conferences, and churches. Her unique life purpose is to use her talents as a healer and a prophet to help others tap into their intuition so that they can harness their magic and make a difference in their lives and communities.

What you will discover:

- Are You a Natural Born Rebel

- What is a rebellious personality?

- How to overcome the fear of being repellent?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

You might love this

The last few years have stretched most of us in ways we couldn’t imagine. 

Along the way, most of us picked up a fair amount of anxiety. Even if, like me, you aren’t prone to it, anxiety seems to have set up camp in our yards! 

So many people I talk to and coach feel like there’s no escape. As if anxiety is something we have to learn to live with. 

Now, I don’t like being a victim to anything or anybody and I don’t want my anxiety to have power over me. 

I may not be able to stop anxiety from knocking on my door, but I know that I have power over how I answer the knock. 

On Thursday, Oct. 21, I’m teaching a FREE Masterclass with three of my best anxiety busting tools. These tools are tried and tested through my worst days. On some of those days the anxiety threatened to paralyze me. These tools allowed me to shift my thoughts and energy, allowing me to move forward with my day. 

It’s such a relief when you experience that shift. I want you to have relief. 

Join me on October 21, 2021 at 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern for my first Third Thursday Masterclass! Yes, I’ll be hosting a FREE class every third Thursday on different topics and this month, it’s busting through anxiety! Register to get the Zoom link and the recording. That way, if you can’t make it live, you can listen later.  Register here.

And bring a friend! Just copy and paste the registration link:

or, forward this email to them. Everyone is welcome, I just need everyone to register so I know who is coming. 💜

Let’s bust through that anxiety and move forward with what is possible instead of what is paralyzing! 

3 Simple Anxiety Busters

Here’s what’s possible: Calm in the midst of difficulty. 

That may not feel true, but it is. I coach clients on how to do it every week. 

On the Third Thursday of October, I'll show you how! 

October 21, that’s next Thursday, at 4 pm Pacific/5 MNT/6 Central/7 Eastern we begin a monthly series I’m cleverly naming “Third Thursdays” so we can all remember when it is! 😁

This month I’m covering anxiety. As always, you’ll get some coaching and teaching along with practical tools to calm your anxiety, no matter what the situation or cause is. 

Nope. That’s NOT too good to be true. Remember, I’ve been divorced, fired, broke, had a failing business, an adult child who lived in profound unhappiness for years, I’m just saying, I’ve been through some shit. 

I can help you “find the calm,” wherever you are. 

Join me on Oct. 21, for Third Thursday! 

I’ll have a registration page in a  couple of days, but so you don’t miss it or get busy and forget, just hit reply and I’ll sign you up. That way you’ll get the recording, as a resource and in case you can’t make it live. 

Can’t wait to see you for the first Third Thursday and show you how my clients and I “find the calm” in the midst of stressful situations. 

Where are you flying high?

It was a weekend of highs and lows… in several ways. 

Huntington Beach hosted the Pacific Airshow this last weekend. It was exciting to have the Blue Angels and other masterful pilots doing stunts and various acrobatics right over my apartment. Literally!  

But there was also a big oil spill right off the coast of Huntington Beach overnight Saturday night, canceling the final day of the airshow and closing the beach indefinitely. 

It made me think about where I am “flying high” in my life and where I feel like those acrobatic pilots, stalling out and spiraling down to crash!

The oil slick is an unfortunate metaphor for how we can have a crack or weak spot in our system and just like that, there’s a leak! Black thick yuk is spreading and we’re not sure how to stop it. 

I have felt all three of these in various areas of my life. I’m flying high in my business right now! Nothing thrills me more than to have my calendar booked up with client appointments. YES! THERE’S STILL ROOM FOR YOU! I’m not completely full so if you’ve been wondering if coaching would benefit you, let’s  get on a call and find out. It’s easy, just use this link: 

I feel like I’m stalled out and maybe crashing in the dating arena. I was having fun on the dating app I’m on for a while, but I’ve lost interest. Stalling out can be interesting because it could be that you’ve stalled for a reason. To make room for something else on the way or to “rest” from something for a while. That’s how I feel about dating. 

But stalling can also be a sign that something is already unraveling and you need to pay attention to it. I help clients with this sort of thing a lot. Is it time to open up, or time to attend to something or let things play out for a bit? One of my favorite questions in a time like this is, “if nothing changed, what could be seeking to emerge?”

As for that oil spill, I’ve been there plenty of times. Leaving relationships, careers, financial set-backs, heartbreak with adult children, any number of things can feel like that big black oil spill creating havoc and destruction as it spreads. 

Whatever it is for you, I want you to know, you are not alone! 

I have been there in one way or the other. Our stories may be different but the feelings and stressful thoughts are the same. 

I invite you to get support where you need support and to celebrate where you need to celebrate!

I’m here, ready, willing and able to be the “clean up crew” to your oil spill or the co-pilot to help you pull out of that downward spiral. 

No matter what, you have within you everything you need to fly high! Let me know how I can help! 

What Do You Want to Slay?

I’m Sick and tired of being sick and tired”

A sentence that almost all of us say to ourselves at some point.

When you’re truly sick and tired, you want a solution and want it now! It may be something that you’ve been struggling with your whole life or it could be something that came up yesterday. What you feel is that sense of urgency to solve the problem NOW! It’s time to slay that thing!

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important question which is the main theme of our today’ topic:

What Do You Want to Slay?

And much more.. Also I’m more than happy to announce my new SLAY DAY offer: It’s time to clear the deck! You’re going to spend 6 hours of uninterrupted time with me! We’ll laugh, (we might even cry,) we’ll unpack The Solve It Method™ and apply the four elements: Desire, Action, Thoughts and Feelings to the issue you need a solution to. 

Find out more about The Solve It Method™ Slay day HERE. 

Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

This is What’s Possible

What if in one day you could:

  • “Uncover the rocky places you are wrestling with.”

  • Be.. “seen, heard and acknowledged while being recognized and respected. On top of that, finding a way to take the steps that YOU want to take with compassion, ease  and brilliance.”

  • “Root out the lies you’re telling yourself that are keeping you stuck.”

  • Live from this mantra: “I’m choosing not to let my mind go to those fears and doubts.”

  • “ Instantly move toward your professional and personal goals.”

  • Get “inspired to bring out your fun side.”

What if you spent the entire day with someone “completely focused on you and your goals.”

What would be possible? 

What would you do with that day? 

I am creating that day for you. Everything in the list above is something a client said after working with me. 

Let’s create those things for you. 

I’m offering a Solve It Method™Slay Day! This is a day devoted to diving into whatever it is personally or professionally that has you overwhelmed and frustrated. 

It might be a relationship, a situation, a “problem” that has been bothering you for a while and you’re ready to be done with it. 

Interested? Curious? Tell me about it. DM me and tell me what it is that you want to liberate yourself from. I bet we could slay it with a Solve It Method™ Slay Day! 

The cost of waiting

Are You Suffering From “I’ll Do It Later” Syndrome? 

Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked at your to-do list and said to yourself, “I'll just wait to do that tomorrow. Today, I am talking about one of the most painful lessons we all face in life, waiting. Thinking that something will somehow change and you won’t have to do anything. It might be costing you more than you think.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important question regarding today’ topic:

What is the True Cost of Waiting for What You Really Want?

Why do we procrastinate?

How to get shit done and stop procrastination?

How to overcome the ``I'll Do It Later” Syndrome?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Are You Empowered or Exhausted?

It’s “Back to School” time and in many US states and places around the world, kids are going back to school the old fashioned way… face-to-face. 

Whew! Moms out there everywhere (and Dads)… you made it! (Assuming everyone stays healthy and restrictions don’t tighten sending the kiddos back home!)

Whether you have any kids in school or not, let’s face it, the last year or so has been a dooooooosy! 

I wonder, are you feeling exhausted by it all or empowered? Just because we’re empowered doesn’t mean we don’t get tired, so when I say “exhausted” I mean it in that, totally spent, hanging-on-by-a thread way. 

I know a lot of folks that feel that way. I feel it at times. It’s like I hit a wall and I can’t do any more. Or I have the thought, “I just can’t take one more thing!” 

A client said that to me this week, “I just can’t take another disappointment!” 

If you can relate, I’m here for you in this. 

Here’s the deal. You can take one more thing. One more disappointment. One more set-back. I hope you don’t have one, but I promise, there’s an empowered you that can take it and take it all. 

When we feel like that empowered version of ourself has vacated the premises, what do we do? 

  1. You respond to yourself in love, not self-criticism or blaming others. There’s NO power in blame, so while it is empowering to hold someone accountable - I’m a big fan of that! - blame is an entirely different dynamic. It feels good for a minute, because we can tell ourselves it’s not our fault. But because we have no power over anyone but ourselves, it leaves us feeling like a victim. 

  2. You get the support you need. You might need to explore hiring me as your coach. This is what I do with clients. I get them out of being exhausted and into being empowered. My client who felt she couldn’t handle one more disappointment - by the end of the session she had her plan and was ready to work the plan. What was the plan? It was her personalized solution to replacing her fear with her empowered thoughts and feelings that KNOW she can handle whatever comes at her. That’s a victory! Or, you may need a housekeeper to take some of the load off you, a personal assistant to run errands, etc.

  3. You double-down on self-care. The worse things are, the more you need to allow yourself to rest, eat foods that nourish you (instead of numb you,) move your body in ways that feel good, fill your mind with inspiring podcasts (Liberate Your People Pleaser is a good one! 😉) Youtube videos, books, whatever it takes so that your possibilities feel bigger than your problems. 

It will feel counterintuitive to dive into self-care when you feel exhausted, you think you need to do more, catch up, you rationalize, you’ll rest later. You will tell yourself you don’t possibly have time to start coaching with me, even if you know it’s a good idea. You think, now’s not the right time. But here’s the deal….

After spending 2.5 years of everything I wanted going down the drain, losing everything, unbelievable amounts of stress with no relief in sight, I PROMISE you, I know what I’m talking about. I learned the hard way how to do numbers 1, 2, and 3 above. 

I’d love to know where you’re at in the exhaustion to empowered equation and I’m curious, which of the three strategies above is the most difficult for you?

How to Liberate your people pleaser?

How to liberate your people pleaser?

We have been talking about how to liberate our people pleaser for a year now in this podcast. You can’t imagine how great it feels when I get an email from a client or someone listening to this podcast telling me how an episode helped them. It literally makes my day!

We’ve celebrated 1 year of Episodes recently so I felt it was time for this episode: How to liberate your people pleaser? 

How do we really do it? 

What does it look like? 

How does your life change? 

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

It’s your birthright

It is your birthright to live in authentic power and self-expression. 

All the habits of people pleasing take us away from that birthright. 

People pleasing keeps us overly focused on others and what they want and need, at our own expense. There’s nothing authentic about that. 

There was a time when I had no idea how to live any differently. 

Even when I began to see how pleasing others at my own expense was hurting me, I didn’t know how to stop. It was the only way I knew how to live. 

It felt selfish to even think of prioritizing my own wants and needs. That’s not what “good” wives, mothers or friends did. 

Over time, I learned what I coach others to do. 

I learned how to put myself first and in doing so, I became more generous. Less selfish. More clear on who I was and what I wanted. More of who I was meant to be. More. More. 

You can have more too. It’s your birthright. 

I am opening my calendar right now to a handful of people who are ready to invest in themselves and say “yes” to their birthright of authenticity and freedom! 

Are you one of them? 

In my “It’s Your Turn” Package you get 9 private sessions over 90-days, plus Voxer (a voice messaging service) support, so anytime you need a pep-talk or get stuck, I’ll be there to coach you forward. The investment is only $1,497 for the single payment discount. A fraction of what a life lived in authentic expression and power is worth. There are payment plans if that works better for you, because, “It’s Your Turn.” It’s time to say HELL YES! to yourself! 

Just complete this simple form:  then I’ll reach out to you and we’ll decide if I’m the right coach and if now is the right time. 

Claim your birthright. 

Is it Worth the Effort?

Do you ever wonder if it’s really worth it?

I mean really, all this self improvement work, all this personal growth work, all these things we do in an effort to liberate our people pleaser - is it really worth it?

There are times in our lives when we feel stuck and overwhelmed with everything going on around us. Life can be overwhelming and scary, and it can feel like too much to deal with on some days. 

We keep going because we don’t know what will happen if we stop. What would happen if we stopped for a second? Would the lives we have created just crumble around us? And obviously the question of our today’s Podcast topic: Is it Worth the Effort?

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer a very  important question and the main topic of our today’s podcast episode:

Is it Worth the Effort?

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Give them what they want!

Here’s what happens with lots of my clients. 

They tell me what they want! Of course! It sounds like, “Can you just give me the steps?” 

It seems like a fair question. Clients hire me to get them from where they are to where they want to go. They need the steps! 

You’ve probably heard me say there’s no formula. 

I’m a big believer in life being way too interesting and complex for a one-size-fits-all formula that solves our problems. 

No. I don’t believe in formulas. We are too unique for formulas.

But here’s what I’ve found. I’ve got a framework I use to start unraveling what was going on for each client and get them to where they want to go. 

I call it, The Solve It Method™. Because, frankly, it solves any problem life can throw at us. 

What is The Solve It Method™? It have four very powerful and impactful components:

  1. Desires

  2. Thoughts

  3. Feelings

  4. Inspired Action

They aren’t a hierarchy, which is why it’s not a formula to me. 

They are key elements to solving a problem and to experience liberation. 

I’ll share how it’s worked for me personally. 

  1. Desire. I need to know what I desire. This includes my passions, interests, the things that intrigue me and compel me to action. They have to be mine. Not what I think my family wants me to desire, or my friends, or the culture. For me, now, it’s coaching, writing, speaking, living near the beach, fabulous relationships with family and friends, taking care of my body, fashion, food, wine and travel… to name a few. 

  2. Thoughts. What are my thoughts about each of these desires? This is where you dig up any thoughts of “not good enough” or “not enough money,” “not enough time,” etc. These are our limiting beliefs. I’ve had a deep belief all my life that I don’t get to have what I want. So, I can get really freaked out if I even get close to getting what I want, because I think it will be taken away from me. One important thing about these thoughts; in one part of our intellect, we may not even BELIEVE them. If you asked me if I believe I get what I want, I would say, generally, yes. Of course I don’t get everything I want, but I’ve had a great life! However, when I’m struggling with certain things I get this very distinct thought that I don’t get to have what I want. When the going gets tough, that unconscious belief comes alive! And our unconscious beliefs will always rule the day. 

  3. Feelings. Wow! I am more and more impressed with how much our feelings impact everything! And the power we have to choose how we feel independent of circumstances. Two years ago when I had almost nooooo money, and I mean that quite literally. Often less than $100 to my name, I learned how to feel abundant, even without money. It wasn’t easy, but damn! It was liberating to know I had the power to do that! 

  4. Inspired Action. This is the action you take when you’ve identified a desire, your thoughts are positive and loving about achieving that desire and your feeling empowered and confident. 

All of our “problems” pop up when one, or more, of these four is out of alignment. Sometimes we take action and we can’t sustain our momentum. We lose the excitement early on. Instead of “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps” and “soldering on,” like most of us were taught, I coach people to stop and reevaluate. It’s quite possible their desire has shifted or changed in some way. That’s why it’s so hard to take consistent action. If we dig into the desire and realize it’s still there, then we have to look at the thoughts or feelings that are making taking action so difficult. My client’s and I always find them. 

Because if our desires, thoughts, feelings and actions are all in alignment we’re living in joy. 

Living in joy doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Frankly, that would be boring. It does mean that we feel a joy and a certain ease in pursuing the desire. It just “feels” right. 

Think about something in your life that isn’t working 100% for you, right now. Apply these for elements to it and see if you can find the piece(s) that are out of place. 

I’d love to hear from you and know what you figured out. And if it causes you to feel like it’s time to get a coach to help you through it all, then I’d love to explore working with you. I have a few one-on-one coaching spots open right now, so book a 15-Minute Discovery Call and we’ll see if I’m the right coach for you and if the timing is right. Book your call HERE.

The Solve It Method™: Thoughts

I’m really excited about what I’m going to share with you today! It’s a continuation of the 5 Episode series that will give you my #1 solution for every problem. I use it all the time in my own life and with clients.

Today I am unpacking the Third piece of The Solve It Method™.

<<“THOUGHTS”>> Thoughts pass through our mind almost all the time. Logical and creative thinking is perhaps the principal feature that makes us truly different from other animals. Our thoughts shape our life, shape who we are, what we do, and how we respond, for better or for worse. Yet despite their centrality, we hardly notice our thoughts as thoughts. We consider them to be our private inner voice that speaks for us and as us, Many people react mindlessly to their thoughts. In other words, they're-act-repeating past actions again and again-feeling powerless to change.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important question regarding the topic of the 4th Episode of our 5 Episode Series:

What is the difference between conscious and subconscious mind thoughts?

Can you have control over your thoughts?

How Thoughts Become Habits?

How to overcome thoughts triggers?

And much more.. Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Listen to the previous episode, HERE.

Listen to episode #1 in the series (where I start with the problem) HERE.

Listen to episode #2 in the series HERE.

Listen to episode #3 in the series HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.