Do you need a “room of your own?”

Are you exhausted? 

Are you tired of doing things for so many others, at home, at work, in the community, that you’re ready to burst? 

Do you need a “room of your own?” 

A place for peace. 

A place that is only for you. 

You can rest, relax, reconnect with your heart and soul, calm your mind, dream, sleep or anything else that feels delightful to you! 

It’s like taking your own Eat, Pray, Love trip in one room. You may not eat as much pasta as Liz Gilbert did, but you’ll save a lot of money! 

We all need a room of our own. 

Even if you’re partnered and share your room with your lover, there are times you need solitude.

Today, I’m giving you full permission (not that you need it) to give yourself a room of your own. 

It might be a guest room or unused spot in your house. Just make sure you have privacy. Put beautiful things in it. Put comfortable soothing things in it. If there’s a bed, make sure the sheets and bedding feel delightful to you and are beautiful. 

If there isn’t an extra room you can use (I understand that entirely as I have always lived in relatively small homes, even when I had 4 kids running around!) then ask your partner to give you the space. It can be temporary. Even if it means sleeping on the couch a night or two, or put one of the kids on an air mattress so your partner can sleep in their bed. Get creative. You can find a way. You deserve to carve out a space for yourself. For your mental health. For your pleasure. Because you need… a room of your own!

How to stop feeling guilty


Do you wish you could just get rid of it!? 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m going to share a secret with you about guilt, so buckle up! 

In this episode I’ll be sharing: 

  1. My secret about guilt

  2. The best way to put a stop to feeling guilty

  3. How your guilt can facilitate your evolution

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

Let me know what you think about today’s episode and I would love for you to share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

What Your Inner-Child Wants You to Know

You have an inner-child who would love to tell you a thing or two! 

We all have an inner-child who wants our love and attention. 

Your inner-child is taking over the controls of your life in more ways than you probably know. They are crying, throwing temper tantrums and hiding in the corner - and that causes you to react in situations differently than you would if you knew your inner-child had just taken over. 

The easiest way to access your inner-child and find out what they need and what they are feeling is to write to them. Even if you aren’t a “writer” or don’t have a journaling practice, you can do this. 

Create a relaxing and safe space for yourself. Give yourself about 30 minutes if possible, more time might be even better, but it’s fine to start small. Even 5 or 10 minutes will do. If you have a picture of yourself as a little kid to look at, that can help. 


Next, start a conversation with your inner-child. Ask them what they want or need? What they like and don’t like.What they think is fun and even what scares them. Start to create a relationship with your inner-child just like you would any other child. 

Which means you don’t rush them. You're nice. Welcoming. You’re not pressing them for answers or being impatient. You’re saying, I love you. I’m here. I want to get to know you.

Then you wait. 

You wait to hear what that inner-child has to say. And you listen. You don’t judge, dismiss or minimize what that inner-child says to you. You listen with compassion and love! 

Are you ready? 

I would love to hear about what you discover. And if it’s not something you want to do by yourself, let me know. I do inner-child work all the time with clients. I can help. 

Book a FREE 15 minute Connection Call and we’ll explore what you need and if I’m the right coach to help you get there. You don’t have to do it alone. Book your call HERE.

How to Create More Joy

We can all use more joy!

Joy is empowering. 

Joy is expanding. 

Joy is actually a natural state for you, it’s just that most of us have been conditioned to think it’s not. 

Today I wanted to give you some ideas for cultivating more joy, empowerment and expansion. The more you feel it, the more natural it seems. 

  1. Be intentional about joy. Look for it. Notice it. Putting on a lovely body cream can give you joy. But not if you’re rushed and not paying attention. It becomes one more thing to do. Let the small mundane things in life be part of cultivating joy. Set the intention to notice how lovely that cream is and how good it feels on your body! Then think of ten other mundane things in your day you can turn into little hits of joy! 

  2. Small things matter. These tulips I bought for $10 have been bringing me joy for days! It’s a small thing, but because I am intentional about creating joy, those tulips become a hit of joy! 

  3. Be grateful and appreciative for the many things in your life that bring you joy! A few big things might come to mind right away; a relationship that brings you a lot of joy, your home, or a recent vacation, but don’t forget the small things that you probably take for granted; the way your heart beats without you asking it to, the fact that you have hot water you can access by turning on the tap… every day, all day! The books you have or the beautiful clothes you have (even if you have some you don’t think are beautiful) we are surrounded by so many wonderful things! Being grateful for them increases the joy in our lives. 

What do you say, how about we work on cultivating more joy, together! My week started with the tulips. What will you do to cultivate joy in your life today? Hit reply and let me know!

Do You Have an Inner “Mean Girl?”

We all have an inner “mean girl” or mean person, if you prefer. 

It’s the voice in your head that criticizes, doubts and judges you. 

It’s where imposter syndrome and a lot of anxiety originates. 

What do you do about it?

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m going to break it down:

  • How did that mean girl get started to begin with

  • How to know whether she’s telling the truth

  • How to keep her from holding you back

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about the episode. I always love hearing from you! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Have you ever experienced failure?

I have! Epic failures! 

I was recently the guest on Matt Brown’s podcast, The Secrets of #Fail and talked about my failures as I started my life coach practice. It was a great conversation and I hope you listen to it HERE.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, parent, spouse, lover… ok, let’s say, if you’re a human being… you’ve experienced failures. 

Failure isn’t the problem. It’s how we deal with it! 

Failure is an invitation to look inward and discover the limiting belief, erroneous belief, or programming from your family and culture that is fueling that failure. And what you find may surprise you! 

I was having business and financial failures a few years ago and thought it was a failure in strategy, marketing or something else business or money related. 

But, it wasn’t. My business and financial failures were actually a result of a deeply held belief that I wasn’t worthy of the business, money and life that I desired! Wow! It surprised me, because consciously, I felt worthy. 

The unworthiness was deep in my subconscious. I needed coaching to help me find it and heal it. 

That’s what I do every day! I coach people so they can find the subconscious patterns, habits and beliefs that are wreaking havoc in their lives. 

We all have them. There’s no shame or judgment in them! 

I’m here to assure you, we can find it and heal it. 

I’d love to hop on a 15-Min Connection Call and see the time is right to work with me one-on-one. I’ve got a couple openings so now’s the time! Book your free call RIGHT HERE.

Do you have a habit you want to break?

Almost everyone has a habit that they KNOW doesn’t serve them! They want to stop, but they can’t seem to. 

It could be knowing that an extra glass of wine makes it hard to get up in the morning or that talking to your mother about THAT particular topic never ends well! 

You know it’s not working. But you’re still doing it. 

Have no fear! That’s what I’m here for! 

Every client deals with this in one way or another. 

It reminds me that “knowing better” doesn’t always mean we can “do better.” 

It’s why self-awareness ISN’T enough. 

So, what do we do? 

First we have to see what’s behind the habit because our habits get formed for a reason. 

I’ll use the extra glass of wine habit as an example. One of the first questions I would ask the client is, “what does having that extra glass of wine do for you?” 

There’s a reason you go for that extra glass. Maybe it’s soothing at the time. Maybe it helps you numb out or avoid something. Whatever the reason, knowing what it is takes us to a deeper level of being able to break the habit. 

Once we figure out the reasons we can address the true issue. Because the habit of drinking one too many glasses of wine isn’t really the problem. It’s a symptom of the true problem. 

That’s why my clients experience such amazing transformations! Because it’s not really about breaking the habit of an extra glass of wine, it’s about the things, and there are probably several, that get you to drink that extra glass. When we resolve those, the extra glass of wine becomes a habit that’s easy to break. 

What habit do you have that you are ready TO BE DONE WITH? How would your life change if you were able to break the habit? 

Let’s explore it together! 

Book a 15 minute Connection Call with me HERE and we’ll start the exploration. 

You deserve to feel the freedom of truly, deeply breaking that habit. 💜

Are you ready to break the habit?

Do you have a habit you want to break? Or a habit you want to start? 

Why is it so hard? I hear all the time from clients, “I know this isn’t serving me anymore, but I can’t seem to stop.” Or, “I know doing this would uplevel my life, but I’m not doing it!” 

They are so frustrated and I get it. I’ve been there too!

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I will share: 

  • The gap between self-awareness and changing our habits

  • What keeps us stuck in habits 

  • The blueprint for breaking habits or starting habits

You can listen to today’s episode HERE

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

You’re Invited!

One of my dreams is coming true and I want to invite you to join me in the experience! 

My dream is to have a TV Show to talk about how to live an unapologetic, authentic life and to demystify what it’s like to work with a coach. I want to normalize working with a coach as part of a well rounded self-care plan! 

I haven’t made it to TV yet… Oprah, I’m ready when you are… I have launched a weekly show on Instagram and YOU’RE INVITED to join me TODAY!! 

Every Tuesday at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern you can join me on IG, @brendafloridacoach for… Delight & Desire! 

Delight & Desire are beautiful entry points to finding and expressing our authentic selves. 

I hope to see you today and if you can’t make it with me live, watch the replay! It will be in my profile with my other posts and videos. 

Your desires and the things that delight you are the truth of who you are and there’s liberation and freedom in aligning with our truth!

How to empower yourself through questions

Most of us ask ourselves questions that lead us to answers that do NOT empower us! 

When we change the questions we ask ourselves, we can change how empowered we feel. 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’ll share specific examples of questions that disempower and some of my favorites that will empower you! 

You can listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Let me know if these empowering questions help you! I always love to hear from you! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

What are you avoiding?

Avoidance is a common coping strategy. 

We all do it. 

In the short-term it can feel like a good thing. 

But in the end… it doesn’t work. 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’ll share: 

  • Why we avoid things

  • What it costs us to avoid

  • Why avoidance strips us of our power

  • How to take our power back

You can listen to today’s episode HERE. 

If this episode resonates, please share it on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

You’re Invited!

One of my dreams is coming true and I want to invite you to join me in the experience! 

My dream is to have a TV Show to talk about how to live an unapologetic, authentic life and to demystify what it’s like to work with a coach. I want to normalize working with a coach as part of a well rounded self-care plan! 

I haven’t made it to TV yet… Oprah, I’m ready when you are… I have launched a weekly show on Instagram and YOU’RE INVITED to join me TODAY!! 

Every Tuesday at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern you can join me on IG, @brendafloridacoach for… Delight & Desire! 

Delight & Desire are beautiful entry points to finding and expressing our authentic selves. 

I hope to see you today and if you can’t make it with me live, watch the replay! It will be in my profile with my other posts and videos. 

Your desires and the things that delight you are the truth of who you are and there’s liberation and freedom in aligning with our truth!

How to stop “compare and despair”

A client was sharing the hardship they were experiencing. They weren’t whining, just telling their story.

Then she said, “I know other people have it worse. I shouldn’t complain.” 

That’s when I stopped her. 

As soon as we compare ourselves to others we head down a slippery slope!

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate  I’ll share: 

  • Why we compare ourselves to others

  • Why it robs us of our power

  • How to get back to your own inner wisdom

You can listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful! 

As always, I love to hear your questions and comments from today’s episode! Leave a comment on the platform you listen from, or DM me on Instagram: @brendafloridacoach.

In liberation, 


PS If you’re curious about working with me, let’s hop on a FREE 15-Minute Connection Call and see if coaching with me is right for you. There’s no obligation and now is the perfect time to get the added support of coaching as you continue in your journey! Book your call HERE.

Don’t let this happen to you!

I was in a session with a client recently, She was considering a big desire for professional advancement! It was an exciting session! 

Then it happened… 

She compared her desire to what someone else wanted and started feeling guilty and second-guessing what she desires. 

Maybe it’s “too much.” 

Maybe she should be happy where she is?

I could feel the power of her desire deflating like letting air out of a balloon. 

That’s when I said, “There’s no power in comparison.” 

She was speechless. 

She felt the TRUTH in that statement. 

Once she compared herself to someone else, she lost all the power she had about her desire. 

Please don’t let that happen to you! 

It’s easy to do. 

We give our power away all the time. 

One reason I love using desire (and delight) as a path to awaking and unapologetic authentic living is that there is so much power in what delights us and what we desire! 

When we follow what feels empowering we follow our truth! 

I’ve got two things to help you in your journey to empowering, unapologetic authentic living. 

  1. Join me every Tuesday for an Instagram Live called, Delight & Desire. It’s at noon pacific/3 pm Eastern. Each week we’ll have a conversation and I’ll give you tools for living in alignment with your power and TRUTH. 

  2. Book a 15-Minute Connection Call with me. I’ve got some openings right now! We’ll discuss what you desire, where you get stuck and see if now is the right time for 1:1 coaching. Book your call HERE.

Your desires are sacred. They are part of what makes you uniquely you. It’s time to claim your desires!

Do we have to struggle or is there another way?

I’m tired of struggling. 

It made me wonder, is there another way? Is struggle mandatory? 

I know that what I focus on expands, so I definitely don’t want to focus on the things that feel like a struggle to me, but it’s not like I can ignore them either. 

What do I do? 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate, I’m going to share how I learned how to trade struggle for more of what I desire in my life. 

I’ll uncover

  • How we get stuck in struggle

  • How I traded struggle for desire

  • How to trust your desires as an inner guidance system

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions on today’s episode! DM me on Instagram, @brendafloridacoach or post a comment/question on the podcast platform you listen to the podcast on. 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Delight & Desire: A fun and empowering weekly IG Live! It Starts today!

I am so excited about my new weekly IG Live, Delight and Desire! 

There is so much power in what delights us and what our desires are! 

The problem is that we get so distracted by “life” that we can get disconnected from what delights us and what we desire. 

I’m here to change that! 

When you get in touch with what delights you and what you desire, from the small to the large it will inspire you towards more authentic expression and connection with others. 

Delight and desire create a powerful path to awakening. To know who we truly are instead of who we were conditioned to be. 

So many people say to me, “I’m ready for it to be my turn!” 

They are tired from giving so much to their businesses, careers, family and others that they are disconnected and feeling distant from their own wants, needs and desires. 

Every Tuesday at 12:00pm Pacific and 3pm Eastern as an Instagram Live I’m going to bring you inspiration, thought provoking discussion and tips to connect to what delights you and what you desire… and what to do about it! 

If you don’t already follow me, start there! I am @brendafloridacoach Then turn on your notifications for when I go live in IG by going to my profile, then tap the bell at the top of the page and turn on notifications for my Lives and Reels. 

If you’ve got a question or topic you’d like me to address on the show, DM me! I love to address the specific things on your mind! 

See you on IG, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21 at 12pm Pacific/3 pm Eastern!!