Live Lavishly Light Episode #22

I'm so happy spring has finally arrived! 

It's a great reminder that there are things in your life ready to sprout and bloom! 

What do you have bubbling up that want to grow or expand? 

Are you nurturing it? 

In today's Live Lavishly Light episode, we'll look for those things that need to grow and expand in our lives. I'll share a couple of mine with you. I'd love to hear about yours in the comments below. 



I'm going to have five spots open up for one-on-one coaching soon. I haven't been able to offer much one-on-one coaching because of other commitments, so I'm excited my calendar is opening up.

One-on-one coaching is the most powerful way to explore what wants to "come alive" in your life. We'll create a safe space to expand and discover what's ahead for you. To see what it's like to work with me privately, hop on over to my coaching page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see my scheduler. Select "30 Min Intro Call" and book your time. There's no charge - no obligation, it's a great opportunity to see if we will work well together.

I can't wait to hear from you!  

What's stopping you?

...from your dream job? 

...from making more money in your business? 

...from quitting a soul-sucking job? 

...from making as much money as you want to make? 

What ever it is, I promise you we can take it on and generate transformation in your life. 

I'm going to have five spots open up for one-on-one coaching soon. I haven't been able to offer much one-on-one coaching because of other commitments, so I'm excited my calendar is opening up.

One-on-one coaching is the most powerful way to remove anything that is stopping you. A bold claim, but it's true! I'll be with you every step of the way. To explore working with me privately, hop on over to my coaching page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see my scheduler. Select "30 Min Intro Call" and book your time. There's no charge - no obligation, it's a great opportunity to see if we will work well together.

I can't wait to hear from you!  


It's Time to Say "Yes!"

There are times in our lives where we just need to say, "Yes!"

Even if we're scared shitless.

Saying 'yes' often means we have to say 'no' to something. 

In order to make room for something to come into our lives, we have to risk leaving something else. 

Throughout my life, there have been many turning points where I could say 'yes' to a door opening or keep that door closed. Sometimes life took care of closing a door and I had to decide if I was going to have the courage to open another one. 

I remember when I was in my 30's and I was getting divorced. I had four young children. I wanted to be able stay in our home, so I needed to refinance it to get my ex off the deed. I had a job I loved, but I didn't make enough money to support my family, now that I was the bread-winner. I didn't want to leave my job, but I had to make more. A lot more. 

I had a high level of trust with my boss, so I went to him with my dilemma. I told him I didn't want to quit working for him, but I had to make more. He was pretty wealthy and very connected in our community. In my mind, I was hoping he could help me get a part-time job with someone that I could do from home or something. 

Instead, he suggestion I talk to the owners of the company and pitch myself as our first full-time office manager. He said the only way he would lose me is if he could work for me! 

Bam! Door opened! 

Was I scared? Hell yes! Managing the office was my 'dream job,' but I really didn't think I was "good enough" to have that job. With his confidence, and my practical need to support my family, I went for it. I walked through that door and it changed my life! 

Let me ask you.

Do you have a door you need to close and another one that needs to be opened? 

I'm going to have five spots open up for one-on-one coaching soon. I haven't been able to offer much one-on-one, because of other commitments, so I'm excited my calendar is opening up!

One-on-one coaching is the most powerful way to open up doors in your life (even if that means we need to close one first). I'll be with you every step of the way. To explore working with me privately, hop on over to my coaching page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see my scheduler. Select "30 Min Intro Call" and book your time. There's no charge, no obligation, it's a great opportunity to see if we will work well together.

I can't wait to hear from you!  

Live Lavishly Light Episode #21

You know what a freak I am about mindset! 

I recently went to see Amy Schumer's new movie,  I Feel Pretty.  It's a must see, in my opinion! Profound and funny, which is a lavish combination! 

Today I want to inspire you to consider your mindset. Whether its how we see our bodies or whether we have the courage to ask for a raise or raise our prices with confidence and without guilt! 

That's what tomorrow's webinar is about: Earn What You Deserve. Sign up now and check out today's episode of Live Lavishly Light. 

How much money do you want to make?

Do you want to make more money than you're making? 

Do you think that you can't make more money until:

  • Your boss gives you a raise
  • You get more clients (because you're afraid to raise your prices)
  • The economy changes
  • You get more training or education


You need a change of mindset. The miracle of this that you can start creating change now by changing your thoughts about the money you make and how you make it. 

You're in charge!


Tuesday, May 1, at 7:30 pm Eastern, 4:30 Pacific, for a webinar designed to teach you how to empower your thoughts and gain the confidence you need to:

  • ask for a raise
  • raise your prices without feeling guilty
  • quit your soul-sucking job
  • expand your business

Sign up and grab your spot now! 

Do you earn what you deserve?

Most women in the US do not. Whether they work for someone else or own their own business, most women aren't earning what they deserve. 

I'm ready to change that! It feels like a mission! 

It all begins with mindset. The way we think drives the jobs we take, the prices we charge, whether we ask for a raise or expand our business. 

Check out today's video and then hop on over and sign up for the webinar, Earn What You Deserve, and I'll teach you how to create a mind-shift that will empower you and build your confidence professionally.

Why I Hired a Coach

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

I use that quote often when I consult and speak to companies about how to improve performance with their people and solve problems in the organization. 

Here's the truth. It's actually very hard NOT to use the same kind of thinking. 

How do we really change the way we think when 95% of our thoughts are unconscious, meaning they are a habit we don't think about, like brushing our teeth? You don't look at your toothbrush every morning wondering what the heck to do with it! You don't even have to think about the steps involved in brushing your teeth. You do it without thinking about it. It's an unconscious habit. 

That's the way 95% of your thoughts are. 

How do we change? 

How do we become aware of the 95% that causes us to repeat the thoughts that don't serve us? That keep us from finding the new thought to solve the problem with? 

I call my coach! 

Yep. I have two coaches I work with regularly. They think of things I don't think of. 

Whether it's a challenge in my business or in a personal relationship, they will ask me a question [that I never thought of] that takes me to a new thought. 

That's what a great coach does. It's simple. It's profound. 

Do you need a coach? 

All of us have things in our life that could use some new thoughts injected into them. Maybe it's a stalled career. Maybe you want to start a business or expand your business. Maybe there's a personal relationship that needs something new injected into it. Maybe you've lost site of your dreams and want to put some juice into your life and awaken those dreams. 

New thoughts will help you with all of those. As a coach, that's what I do. I help my clients think new thoughts. Grow their business. Get a new job. Ask for a raise or promotion. Work on their relationships, awaken those dreams and create a lavish life! 

I offer free, 30 minute "Introduction" calls so we can chat about what you want to get out of coaching and to see if we are a good fit. No obligations. Check it out and schedule your Intro session today from my website.

What are you afraid of?

"Nothing bold or magnificent is created from fear." Paul Sabine, The Collection. 

If you've not watched The Collection on Amazon Video, I highly recommend it. It's all about a Paris fashion house at the end of WWII. 

I love this quote from the first episode. 

"Nothing bold or magnificent is created from fear." 

True that! 

So, that leads me to ask you....What bold or magnificent thing would you do, or create, if you had no fear? 

For me, right now, it's all about growing and expanding my business. 

What would it be for you? Tell me in the comments below. No fear. And, nothing is too bold or too magnificent! Tell me all about it! Shock me! Surprise me!


I don't have enough money!

“I don’t have enough money.”

It’s something I hear from my clients all the time. And I get it.

We have these big dreams - starting a business, traveling the world, and having a comfortable home, but we don’t think we have enough money to make these dreams a reality.

The truth is, money isn’t what’s holding us back. We are.

Download my free Plenty of Money worksheet below to reveal the one mindset shift you can make today to free yourself from your feelings of lack around money.

Let me tell you, I've been broke! I know exactly what this thought feels like! 

The important thing is that I learned how to free myself from the limits that thinking I didn't have enough money created for me. Spoiler alert! You'll find all sorts of creative ways to manifest and create the life you're dreaming of. 

Download the Plenty of Money Worksheet here and take yourself through a process I use with myself and clients whenever the thought that we don't have enough money rears it's ugly head. Come on! Let's slay that dragon! 

If you have any questions or want to inquire about working with me, shoot me an email. or check out my  Coaching page on the website. 


Not Smart Enough?

If you’ve ever felt the crippling doubts and fears of not feeling smart enough to…

- ask for a promotion?

- apply for a really cool job you know you’d be good at?

- start a business?

- or simply expand professionally beyond where you are?

...this is for you!

Get your Smart as Sh*t Worksheet below.

You are smart enough. I promise! I know you've been telling yourself that you aren't smart enough for a long time, but baby! You've come to the right place! 

No one knows this one more deeply than I do. I'm smart enough to live the life of my dreams and so are you! 

Download the Smart as Sh*t Worksheet here. That worksheet will take you through a powerful and magical process that I use with clients, and used on myself, to slay those not smart enough thoughts. 

If you have any questions or want to inquire about working with me, shoot me an email. or check out my Coaching page on the website. 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #18

There is nothing more important than doing the things we need to do to really make our dreams come true.

I'm here to tell you that it is worth every effort, every sacrifice, every early morning or late night or weekend that you're working on your dream to make it come to life, it's worth it.

I want you to love yourself enough to make that happen because the world needs it. Do whatever it takes to love yourself enough to go for your dreams, to create the life that you are yearning for.

Let me share an example from my life right now to demonstrate! What are you doing to make your dreams come true?

Sick of making less money than you want? I’ve got a plan!

For starters, if you’re a woman, you’re probably making 20% less than the guy in the cubicle or office next to you. And guys, if you want to make more money, I’m all for that too!

Would you like a 20% raise? Do the math.

Take your last check and add 20% to it. If you make $400 a week, that’s an extra $80, every week. If you make $40,000 a year, it’s an extra $8,000 a year. At $100,000 a year it’s a whopping $20,000!

I’ve made each of those amounts in my career and I can tell you, whether it’s $80 a week or $20,000 a year, I would have loved it.

Equal pay for women has been an issue for a long time. Yes, it’s getting better, but 20% is a big gap. It’s a change-your-world gap.

You want to make more money. What do you do?

I’m devoted to transformation. You can’t have transformation by simply acknowledging a problem. You can’t have transformation by complaining about a problem. You can’t have transformation by being angry about a problem, although your anger may be a good catalyst to transformation.

Four Strategies for Transformation

I love teaching people how to ask for a raise, a promotion and simply increase their performance at work through what I call The Success Quotient or SQ4.

The Success Quotient has four components, hence SQ4.

1.       Self-awareness

2.       Self-empowerment

3.       Other-awareness

4.       Empowerment for all

Increasing my skills in these four areas took me from earning minimum wage to six-figures, as an employee, and has been my constant companion transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. All without a college degree.

It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, how much money you make right now, if you want to ask for a raise, change jobs, start a business or expand your business. The SQ4 will help you get there.

Down and Dirty with SQ4

I could talk for hours on each of the four, and I do when I coach clients or speak to organizations, but for now, let me give you the down and dirty on each one.

1.       Self-awareness – Knowing yourself comes first. You absolutely must evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses. Find ways to shine the spotlight on your strengths, and even improve them. This is your personal brilliance. Make sure you’re shining in these areas. For weaknesses, either find ways to make them irrelevant or learn how to improve. One caveat about that, many of our weaknesses are a waste of time to improve. It’s a lot easier to improve a strength than to improve a weakness.  

2.       Self-empowerment – Take your strengths and empower yourself in how you express them. How do you do that? Locate areas where you self-sabotage. We all do it. There’s no shame in it. But let’s stop. You lose your power when you think you need someone or something outside of you to get you where you want to go. You have everything you need. (This is why I created my online program, Enough Already. If you struggle with this, I’d check it out here.)

3.       Other-awareness – This is your ability to accurately perceive what others are feeling and experiencing. This is where the super power of empathy comes into play. People who are self-aware, self-empowered and have empathy can change the world!

4.       Empowerment for all – This is where it all comes together. You know yourself, you’re empowered to act, you understand and have empathy for others, which allows them to be empowered. Yes, sometimes that means they are empowered to step down, or change their behavior. It also means others are empowered to give you a raise or opportunity!

I am passionate about helping others use SQ4 in their lives. If you like the concepts and aren’t sure you know how to apply them in your specific situation, I’d love to hear from you! Let me know in your comments below, Facebook PM me or email me. I’d love to coach you or your organization into the power and freedom that come with using SQ4!


“I am, because of you.” Ubuntu is a Zulu word. I found several variations on the definition. All the variations speak to this idea of humanity and connection.

One of my favorite TEDTalks speaks to the dynamic of Ubunto. Boyd Varty lives in South Africa. His family has been running a safari business and restoring their land back to it’s natural state for four generations. (We’ve been talking a lot about dreams lately and I can tell you, one of my dreams is to go to their game reserve, Londolozi.)

I am, because of you.

This is why the things we do matter.

This is why our dreams matter.

This is why it’s so important for me to Live Lavishly.

Everything I put out into the world has a ripple effect.

Everything you put out into the world has a ripple effect.

What kind of effect are we creating?

We create this effect on others all day, every day.

Do you greet the day, your family, your co-workers, the dry cleaner, grocery store clerk, or customer service representative with a smile? With a frown? As silly as it may sound, it matters.

How many times have you been cheered up because of a random stranger or an unexpectedly cheerful co-worker?

We all have so much more power than we imagine.

You have the power to have an effect on your family, friends, co-worker and even strangers.

An act of kindness.

An act of generosity.

An act of compassion.

An act of love.

What will you do today to demonstrate the concept of Ubuntu? Being the person, you would want someone else to be. Generous, friendly, compassionate, loving.

Tell me all about it! I can’t wait to hear what you did today!