
Can three hours change your life?

Three hours really can change your life!

Three hours. Radical change. Do you want it?

Stop for a moment and think about one thing, that if you experienced radical change in that area, would significantly improve your life. What is yours?

Is it:

  • Your business

  • Your job

  • A relationship

  • Your sex life - of lack of it

  • Your body

  • Your finances

  • Issues with your kids

  • An project you can't seem to start - or finish

Take the three hour test.

What if you devoted three hours of your time, not even three in a row? Three hours, over one or two months, and you experienced radical change, would it be worth it to you?

And what if that cost you $1,000, would you do it? Three hours. $1,000. Radical change.

If your answer is no, then I recommend you stop telling yourself that the issue is important. If the change you want isn't worth three hours of your time and a little bit of money (go back to your bank statement and look at everything you spend money on that isn't food, gas, and bills. You'll find a lot more than $1,000 that you could divert, for a month or two, to your radical change.)

If your answer is yes...

You passed the three hour test and you're in the right place.

Now, I'm going to invite you to create radical change in three hours. How will you do it? It's simple.

You show up for three, one hour, one-on-one sessions with me.

My clients experience radical change all the time. In three sessions they transform their businesses, their lives, their finances, their relationships, their sex life, whatever the issue is that they bring to the coaching session, my clients experiences change. It's freakishly effective!

Sound too good to be true?

Let me share a few stories from some of my current clients.

- One client was working towards self-confidence in her business. As an entrepreneur, you know that your level of confidence effects every aspect of your business. By the time we finished our session she had several significant insights that increased her self-confidence.

- One client, in her 70's, was wanting to turn up the heat in her sex life with her husband. I love coaching women into transformation in their sex lives. Most of us have tons of baggage, if not trauma, that impacts our sex lives, significantly. Coaching this client to feel and find the power of her sexual energy, was a joy for me and her. I'm sure her hubby was pretty happy too!

- A couple other clients are wanting to start a business or grow their business. They needed practical advice for financing, planning, strategy and marketing for their business. But, that's never everything an entrepreneur needs. Mindset is where it all starts or stops. You can have the best strategy in the world, but if your mindset is negative, you feel unworthy, you lack confidence, you don't think you're smart enough or went to the 'right' school or have a college degree, your mindset will silently sabotage every strategy you put into place. I worked with these clients to free their limiting mindset and get some great strategies in place.

Are you willing to devote three hours to your own radical change?

The cool thing is that when you're ready, change is ready. It's been waiting for you.

Here's all you need to do. 

  1. Book a 15 minute call with me. In 15 minutes you and I will both know if we are a good match and if I can help you with your specific issue. If I can't help you, I'll do my best to refer you to someone who can. Use this link to book the call. It's free and there's no obligation. This is where your radical change begins.

  2. Plan on spending three hours, that's one session, for one hour, over the next four to eight weeks. We'll have our sessions by phone so you don't need to travel or do anything other than be available and present during our call. You'll also want to bring an attitude of change with you. Be open and willing to radically change.

  3. You won't need to spend $1,000 for this radical change. You'll invest $495 for three sessions. Radical change is worth thousands of dollars, practically, emotionally and energetically. An investment of $495 makes it an easy, yes.

I can't wait to talk to you on our 15 minute call. There is nothing that thrills me more than coaching a person to their personal radical change!

What do you wish for?

Let's not just make wishes for 2019.

Let's decide to make changes so that those wishes become reality.

The only thing standing between you and the wish you have, is a little bit of change.

Change can be scary, but I'm telling you, to decide not to change, is even scarier.

Here's what I promise you, you don't need to do it alone.

On January 7th, my new program, One Big Change is making its debut. Every week I'll send an audio recording, emails and challenges, PLUS, two, private coaching sessions, so that you can make the change you need to make so that your wish can come true! Register and get the info here.

Let's make your wishes come true in 2019!

I Hate it When I Do This!!

We all compare ourselves to others.

And, when we do, we usually come us short.

Pretty soon we're telling ourselves we aren't doing enough, aren't smart enough, don't have enough money, etc.

Today, I'll share a simple and powerful method for getting yourself out of what I call, "compare and despair.'

Are you at the Intersection of Change?

As a Life Coach people often ask me, “what makes people ready for change?”

The answer is simple. The pain of staying the same is worse than the fear of change.

Change always means stepping into the unknown.

That’s uncomfortable for most of us. It seems so much safer to be in what we know.

Unfortunately, we often choose the known, even when it’s painful. Even when we are chronically unhappy, anxious and self-critical. We stay right there because we’re more afraid of what change will mean and how it will change our lives.  

But when you hit the intersection of change… everything… changes!

I’m sure you can think of at least one time in your life when you were there. You just suddenly knew, you couldn’t keep doing things the same way.

You said, “I can’t do this anymore!”

You might have:

·      Made a change in your career or business

·      Quit the job

·      Started the business

·      Decided to put boundaries in place in a relationship

·      Ended a relationship

·      Started dating

·      Taken the health of your body seriously and started working out or changing your diet

·      Stopped smoking, drinking more than you should or over-eating


You got to the intersection of change.

Once you get to that intersection you often need a guide. Someone to help you navigate all the unknowns that are coming up and how you got into the situation in the first place, so you don’t keep repeating the pattern.

That’s where I come in. When you’re at that intersection of change, you’re my favorite client! We work in partnership. I lead you to your inner-wisdom, power and courage. You get the clarity you want and a road map to making the changes you want.

To hear some of my clients talk about the transformations they’ve received, check out this YouTube Playlist.

If you’re at that intersection now, please don’t allow yourself to put it in reverse and back-up. Stay right there and get your resources lined up to navigate the change with you. There are a couple of ways I can help:

1.     Private, one-on-one coaching. This is when you really want to make fast, deep change in your life. Because we spend all our time focused on you and your problem that needs solving, I can coach you into a deeper understanding of yourself and the complexities of the problem. Everything is very specialized to you and what you want and need out of coaching.

2.     One Big Change – You guessed it. This is perfect when you want to create change in your life. It’s a combination of recoded lessons, weekly challenges and inspiration that are delivered to your inbox on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for four weeks. You get to keep all the recordings to listen to whenever you need a refresher. This is a combination of DIT and personal attention because you also get two, 30-minute private coaching sessions with me when you register for this program.

3.     Think Your Way to Success – This is a digital, DIY program. Once you register a link to the content (videos and a worksheet) are delivered to your inbox. You can watch the videos as often as you want and fill out worksheets to your heart’s content. The focus of this program is stressful thoughts. Change is stressful, and every stress comes with a thought. I’ll teach you how to slay the thought and liberate yourself to a more peaceful path that is full of possibilities you didn’t see before. It’s truly magical.

Not sure which option is best for you? Click here to schedule a 15-minute call and we’ll figure it out together. <3

My wish for you is to move into 2019 knowing you’ve invested in your growth, joy, freedom and abundance! There’s no better way to begin a new year!

Two things you can't avoid

No, not death and taxes.

It’s change and sex.

Life changes. Relationships change. Careers change. Kids cause all kinds of change. Moving changes everything. Aging changes things. Finances change.

 Sometimes we choose change, sometimes it chooses us, but it’s coming, no matter what.


Why did I have to bring that up, you ask?

That’s why! Because whether we like it or not, it’s a natural part of life. Whether you’re having it, or not. Whether you’re getting as much as you want. Whether your partner wants as much, or as little as you. Whether you’re single and wanting someone to have it with.

 We can try to not think about it, but it’s always there.

Enter, Life Coach.

As a coach, everything I coach clients through has something to do with these two.

The client wants change and needs help creating it.

Change happened to the client and they need help navigating it and learning how to see life from a new perspective.

They are frustrated sexually because they aren’t getting what they want, whether that’s more of it or less of it. They want to experiment or change something and they aren’t sure how to address it with their partner, or they are trying to sort through how they even feel about sex after a sexually bothersome or abusive situation. Where the hell do you go to talk to someone about and of that??

Right here.

These two, change and sex, are in my zone of genius. I eat problems like this for lunch, then come back for more!

There’s something thrilling about liberating someone else to the freedom, clarity and joy that is possible when they solve problems and explore what’s possible.

I’m like a possibilities expert. I’ll help you find what’s possible, whether you’re where you’re at by choice or change. Your decision or someone else’s.

There are three ways we can work together.

They’re all easy. They all get you results. What’s best for you based on the problem you want to solve and your style for learning new skills. Some folks are super DIY. Other’s need more personal attention.

1.     Think Your Way to Success – This is a digital, DIY program. Once you register a link to the content (videos and a worksheet) are delivered to your inbox. You can watch the videos as often as you want and fill out worksheets to your heart’s content. The focus of this program is stressful thoughts. Change is stressful, and every stress comes with a thought. I’ll teach you how to slay the thought and liberate yourself to a more peaceful path that is full of possibilities you didn’t see before. It’s truly magical.

2.     One Big Change – You guessed it. This is perfect when you want to create change in your life. It’s a combination of recoded lessons, weekly challenges and inspiration that are delivered to your inbox on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for four weeks. You get to keep all the recordings to listen to whenever you need a refresher. This is a combination of DIT and personal attention because you also get two, 30-minute private coaching sessions with me when you register for this program.

3.     Private, one-on-one coaching. This is when you really want to make fast, deep change in your life. Because we spend all our time focused on you and your problem that needs solving, I can coach you into a deeper understanding of yourself and the complexities of the problem. Everything is very specialized to you and what you want and need out of coaching.

Not sure which option is best for you? Click here to schedule a 15-minute call and we’ll figure it out together. <3


I always like to provide free ways for people to work with me as well. I create quality content and love the emails and messages I get back about how inspiring and helpful my blogs, masterclasses and videos are to people. Which, by the way, always makes my day! If you aren’t on my email list, click here to sign up.

There’s an ongoing conversation about sex, it’s challenges, curiosities, impact on relationships, how to get comfortable when you’re back in the dating game, etc. going on through my YouTube Playlist, Qs for the Sex Queen. You can submit questions anonymously through my website here, and watch the videos here. A new episode is coming out in the next few days, so submit your questions now and I’ll answer them in that episode.

If you’re a woman, I have a free Facebook Group that is awesome! You’ll get support and tons of positive information and affirmations for you and your journey. Join that group here and answer two easy questions. I’ll have you added in no time! Private FB Group request to join.

Let’s end 2018 and begin 2019 with all the tools and yummy goodness available to us and have a rockin 2019!!

I hate it when I do this!

Have you ever kept quiet when you knew the answer?

Have you ever passed on an opportunity because you thought someone else was more deserving?

Have you ever been less than you are, in an attempt to make someone else feel more comfortable?

How often do we “lose” when we could “win?” Play small in order to fit in, not make waves or not make someone “feel bad.”

It’s time to stop.

That might sound more boss-y than coach-y, but it’s appropriate in this case. Sometimes, we just need to stop doing what we’re doing.

It never serves the world, or our greater good, to be less than we are. Think of yourself as the parent of a talented child. Maybe she’s a brainiac who pretends she doesn’t know the answer so the other kids don’t tease her. Maybe she’s a field hockey player who purposely misses a goal so her teammate doesn’t feel bad for not scoring as many.

If you were her mother, you would tell her to stop that! That her playing small, not being her absolute best, doesn’t serve anyone. That the kid who is teasing her is jealous and the teammate who feels bad, has her own insecurities. And, that’s not her problem. Let them work on their jealously and insecurity with their parents, a teacher or coach. It’s not her job to fix their problems. It’s her job to be the best she can possible be! Isn’t that what you’d tell her?

That’s what I’m here to tell you. Stop shrinking. Stop playing small. Stop being less than you can be.

Here’s where coach Brenda comes in (we’ll set boss-y Brenda aside.) I know that to stop doing something we’ve done for a long time, is easier said than done.

I’ve got two solutions.

1.     Start to become aware of every time you shrink or play small. We can’t change something until we are aware of it, the moment we do it. That creates the opportunity to change and make a different decision. If you’re aware, but still struggle with choosing you to stand in your truth, make a list of the thoughts you have that stop you. They probably sound something like this, “you’re being arrogant.” “Who do you think you are?” “You don’t want to make them feel bad.” Take those thoughts and become your own ideal parent. Tell your beautiful self that your job is to be the best you. If that bothers someone, it’s their job to figure out why they don’t want you to be your best.

2.     My new program, Live Lavishly, is the perfect solution to this challenge. It’s so easy to play small and Live Lavishly has tons of tools to help you break that habit and replace it with empowering decisions and actions. It’s a ‘whole-life’ solution. We dive into everything from our bodies, sex, relationships, money, our careers… we want to Live Lavishly in all aspects of our lives! Join me and a beautiful community of women to stop playing small and getting the tools and skills they need to Live Lavishly! Check out all the details and register here.

Let’s promise each other that we will stop shrinking. No matter how hard it is.

Marianne Williamson said it best, “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

The Power of Connection

You know how it is, the difference between going somewhere with a group of friends and being one-on-one with your BFF? It’s different. Group gatherings are awesome and I wouldn’t skip them, but sometimes I need me some 1:1 with my bestie!

The same is true for coaching.

I had the most powerful experience last week. I work with a business coach in group settings. I’ve taken digital programs she’s offered, been to her webinars, I’ve been in two live events with her.

Then…last week I had my first 1:1 with her. Wow! It was stunning how much I got out of it when it was just us talking about my specific business and it’s needs instead of me listening to her teach concepts and strategy. It was worth every penny to upgrade to a 1:1 relationship with her.

Now it's Your Turn.

Where do you want transformation; a life upgrade so-t-speak, enough to work 1:1 with me?

Don't get me wrong, I love people who take my online program, Enough Already. We have a private FB group so I engage with them there, coach them and help them free themselves from the limiting thoughts that rob them of their power. If that sounds like something you can use, check it out here

I love people who read my blogs (thank you) and watch my YouTube videos, who sign up for my webinars and take advantage of other free offerings. In fact, I have a webinar coming up on Monday called, Upgrade Your Earning Power. Click here for more details and to sign up. 

Here’s what I know for sure: The people who work with me 1:1 get dramatic results. Here’s what a couple of them have said:

"Brenda helped me dig deep to find MY truth and MY voice, which were lost for a very long time!  Working with her was eye opening, so many "ah-ha" moments.  It was amazing to see how patterns in my life kept repeating." Claire.

“…I was dealing with tough decisions in my life and had an overall feeling I was not being true to myself.  Brenda put me at ease. I knew I had found someone to assist me with finding my vision and help me live from my higher-self...” Ron.

Keep participating in all the good free stuff, and heads-up, there’s a lot more coming. And take my digital program, Enough Already, and heads-up, there are more group offerings coming as well…

BUT, don’t miss the opportunity to work with me 1:1. 

I recently had a few spots for 1:1 coaching open-up in my schedule. Is one of them for you? I’ll even sweeten the pot by giving you $100 discount on either the three-session package or the six-session package.  You’ll use the coupon code, Power, when you check out, but first, APPLY HERE. We’ll handle the payment after our initial call.

I can't wait to hear from you! 

I’m obsessed with personal growth!

Seriously, I don’t ever want to stop.

As soon as I see a pattern or habit that limits me or doesn’t serve me anymore, I’ll do whatever it takes to break the habit, dis-empower the limiting belief, slay whatever it is.

Whatever it takes, from therapy, to coaching, reading books, going to workshops and retreats. I’m relentless. For me, once I see it, I can’t go back to pretending I don’t know it’s there. Limiting me. Keeping me from being the highest expression of myself possible.

Why do I do it?

Freedom. Liberation. Transformation. I want nothing less than these. To be liberated to my own wisdom. To be transformed into a higher expression of myself. Living in the freedom that comes from knowing who I am, that I’m a unique spark of the Divine. That there are infinite possibilities.

What do you want?

Do you want freedom? Do you want to be liberated to your best self? To be transformed? To live as the highest expression of yourself?

What project would you start? What book would you write? What business would you start or expand? How would you change the world?

The calling of a life coach

This is why I love being a coach. I love being part of a person’s process. Facilitating the liberation. Facilitating the transformation. It’s the most exciting thing I can imagine!

It’s what motivates me to write to you three times a week. It inspired me to create an online program, Enough Already. It’s what makes me happy to get up early or work late to meet with a client.

It’s also what motivates me to keep looking at my own life. Examining where I’m selling myself short. Where I’m diminishing myself and what’s possible.

I’m sure some people look at me and think it’s exhausting. I know my ex-husbands interpreted it as discontent. As if I’m never happy with what I have. That’s not it at all. I just don’t believe in stopping. I want to keep going. Keep growing. Imagining the joy of the next breakthrough.

This is the essence of what it means to me to live lavishly. Do I love the luxuries of life? Yes. I love living lavishly in those ways too, but what does that matter if my soul isn’t living lavishly? Living lavishly is all about liberating yourself from the things that hold you back. Nothing short of lavish transformation and freedom!

Thank you for being with me on the journey to Live Lavishly!

I'm Looking for Some Awesome People

I'm Looking for Some Really Awesome People.

Yes, I mean you!

Are you the kind of person who has a dream? Who wants to make an impact on the world? On your family? Your community? Your work?

I bet sometimes as you pursue those fantastic dreams, you get derailed. Something stops you.

I bet there is a voice inside your head telling you that you are not _________ enough to make your dreams come true.

Enough Already!

That's right. You are enough. You have enough.

Your dream is sacred. Your dream is your unique contribution to the world. We desperately need your dream to come into form.

Ready to kick "Not Enough" in the butt?

I am. I want to take you with me on the journey and kick those damn thoughts in the butt! I've learned this through experience. It's not theory. This shit works.

Join me for an online program I'll be creating guessed it...Enough Already.

We'll dream our dreams, kick our Not Enough thoughts to the curb and take action to get our dreams out into the world.

Do this now.

Sign-up to be an Enough Already Insider. That's the special group who will be the first to know when the program is ready for registration.

Why is it special? First, there's no obligation. Second, you get free gifts, and who doesn't love that? You'll get them a few minutes after you sign-up. Third, you’ll get special pricing, when registration opens for Enough Already.

I'm also going to be offering a "bring a friend" discount for Enough Already. That way you can share this with a friend and when they register you both get a $50 discount! 

So, go ahead, forward this email to a friend now. That way you can both be Enough Already Insiders and when registration opens there will be instructions as to how to get your "bring a friend" discount. 

Be that person! Be the one who says, ENOUGH ALREADY! I’m going to kick my “Not Enough” thoughts to the curb and empower myself to live the life of my dreams! Because…You are ENOUGH ALREADY!

Do you want to ask for a raise or get a promotion? Need some advice?

It's that time of year. 

If you work for someone else, you might be planning to ask for a raise, or put your hat in the ring for a promotion. 

If you're an entrepreneur, you may want to increase your fees in 2018 or add a higher priced program. 

What do we do when we have a big "ask?"

Our emotional intelligence can be our teacher and help us find the right time, place and language for any big "ask."

Last week I blogged about emotional intelligence. Remember, your EQ accounts for 58% of performance, so you don't want to neglect using your EQ when raising prices, asking for a raise or a promotion. 

Here are some practical tips on how to leverage your EQ.  

Own your brilliance

What does it mean to own your brilliance?

This is one of my favorite topics in the world right now.

For years, I’ve been telling my closest friends, “I need to own my brilliance.” What did I mean by that?

It’s about knowing who you are. What your unique gifts are. Your unique expression in the world.

It begins with knowing that it’s you. You’re the one.

Then you expand it. You do the thing you were meant to do. Say the things you were meant to say. Dream the dreams you were meant to dream. And you own it!

I didn’t truly “get this” until I went to Paris this summer. If you want to read about that liberating and transformative experience, I wrote all about it with Confessions of a traveler,  A Living Obituary and Your own Paris Transformation.

Today, we’ll talk about how you can own your brilliance. Check it out and do it! Own it! The world needs you.

And don’t forget to download your FREE copy of the Own Your Brilliance guided meditation. It’s a great tool to support you on your path to owning your brilliance.

How are your circumstances shaping your life?

Are your circumstances shaping your life?

We would all answer yes to that question.

So, what's my point?

Today we're exploring the inner life vs. the outer life.

What do I mean by that?

How you think and feel is the beginning of all creation

I've come to understand this in a deep way. How I am thinking and feeling are the seeds of my circumstances.

If I don't like my circumstances. I need to change how I'm thinking and feeling.

Easier said than done!

Like a good life coach, I have my resources that help me shift and change my life. Resources that liberate me to my own wisdom. That move me forward in owning my brilliance. That's what I want for you too!

Science meets spirituality

I discovered the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza early this year. I watched a documentary he contributed to, What The Bleep Do We Know. I've never been a science person. I was raised on faith and the expectation that I would accept things, on faith, without question. I don't really like that "without question" part anymore.

I love how Dr. Joe takes the complicated topics of  quantum physics and neuroscience and makes them understandable and accessible. He has a new book that was released this week, Becoming Supernatural. How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.

What I've learned through experience

I have learned to use my imagination to create images and feeling states that are what I want to see and feel, regardless of what's happening in my "real life." Then when I meditate to deepen those images, feelings and cultivate awareness of my unconscious thoughts (that keep me limited and less than the highest expression of myself), my circumstances change.

My circumstances change dramatically. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes weeks and sometimes it happens in a day, but over and over this year I've experienced it in small and large ways. Professionally, personally and financially.

Find out more in today's video and I'd love to know if you've experienced the same thing in your life.

Knowing that our inner life is more powerful than our circumstances is how we truly Live Lavishly!

Fail Spectacularly!

Have You Ever Failed Spectacularly?

It's not any fun when it's happening, but if you're like me, you learn a lot when you fail spectacularly!

Lessons Learned

Recently I was watching the Shirley MacLaine movie, The Last Word. It's a great movie! MacLaine talks about this idea that we should welcome failure, and the bigger the better.

I know I've had my biggest growth spurts emotionally, professionally and spiritually after big failures, so it got me thinking.

Check out today's video and let me know what you think in the comments. Have you experienced great growth after a spectacular failure?

Get videos and other cool  stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.